
Si penses en una joia i vols fer-la realitat. 
Si has de fer un regal i vols personificar-lo
Si vols fer-nos un encarrec, 
             no dubtis de posar-t'he en contacte amb nosaltres 



  1. Today we bought 3 pieces of jeweleries at the artist market Pg. De Gracia Barcelona . At home we discovered that only 2 items had been packed inside the parcels. It was a gift for our daughter so its a very sad thing. Everything was packed with a lot of nice words maybe just to keep us from controlling. We feel cheated and are very disappointed. We just can warn other clients to buy at your shop.

    1. Dear costumer,
      sorry for answer so late, we did not see your comment, we use the e-mail for answering the questions. Anywhay we never sell in Passeig de Gràcia, but maybe you buy it in Portal de l´Angel.
      First of all, in case that this happened you can ask first what can we do, so we can talk about it. We are artisans so we don't need to do this, do you think that we will be more rich doing this? do you tink that if we chose to sell our own jewelry we don't love our work and aprecciate our costumers? I think your comment can hurt a lot, how can you think that we whant to cheat you? if we are nice with the costumers is just because we are happy that your chose our jewerly. We are selling our jewelry since 19 years and this never happens to us, we never have such a comment like this. So you don't need to warn our clients because them know us, and they know that they can talk with us if anything happens.
      Next time you can put your name or e-mail that we can answer you, it would't be easier and you don't need to hurt us. Thankyou.
      Esteve i Laia

      Aquesta és la resposta del comentari que va fer una persona dient que havia arribat a casa i li faltava una joia, abans de posar-se en contacte amb nosaltres, va preferir alertar als nostres clients de que som uns estafadors.
      -Nosaltres li hem respost que la proxima vegada primer ens expliqui que ha passat , potser ni tan sols vem ser nosaltres , després podem buscar una solució. Fa 19 anys que venem les nostres joies i mai ens havia passat una cosa aixi, diu que som amables per distreure els clients! si em triat vendre les nostres joies es perquè estimem el que fem i estem agarits de que ens escolliu a nosatres. Un comentari aixi pot fer molt mal, per això no ens sembla just publicar-ho abans de pregutnar i acusar sense conèixer la persona, ell o ella ni tan sols ha posat el seu nom o e-mail. En fi, coses que passen quan estas en el món de les xarxes.
      Volem remarcar que si mai us passa una cosa semblant siusplau envieu-nos un mail i segur que trobarem la solució, sigui la que sigui,
      moltes gràcies per llegir fins aqui
      Esteve i Laia


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